Homeopathic healing with Esther Mizser RN, MA, C.Hom, CCH, DNM

Esther Homeopathy

Consult for Animals

Constitutional Strengthening

Improvement or strengthening of your general overall health, boost the weak constitution and decrease its susceptibility to disease or illness.



Homeopathy 101 and home prescribing, immune system 101, body systems and function, pregnancy and birth, Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Chronic Conditions

Since homeopathy treats the person, not the disease, it can be useful in addressing a wide range of disorders. Even in advanced cases, where curative treatment isn’t possible, homeopathic medicines may prove effective in improving quality of life.

First Aid, Emergencies, and Acute Illnesses

Includes treatment and/or speeds up the healing process for sprains and bruises, broken bones, minor burns, skin irritations, insect stings/bites, teething or tooth pain, colds, flu, and coughs.